Daily Log

Jan 15, 2022

Lots of great content so far in The Coding Career Handbook. Part II was about principles. One of which was the importance and value of writing. Writing has become ever more critical in a remote workforce world. When we are all communicating asynchronously, writing provides a way to clearly express thoughts to others. When we write, we can scale ourselves because a well written document can be consumed by many people at any time they wish. Writing is a way to have your ideas live on beyond your life. Though, not all writing can accomplish this. Writing about news and recent events has a very short half-life. Whereas forms of evergreen content can be relevant years, decades, or centuries later.

I am excited to continue to improve my writing. The first way is by simply doing it. Writing forces us to convey ideas and information in a sequential manner. We have to consider our audience and the context they may or may not have. What we write about has to be somewhat novel as well. If we are regurgitating the same information that everyone else is already aware of, it won't capture interest. We need to take in content and make new connections, synthesize it in new ways, or write about topics that people have not written much about yet. It helps if we are interested in what we are writing about. If we aren't it will be a slog to research and synthesize.

I think on top of my daily logs, I am going to try to create a weekly blog post on some tech topic that falls into my ikigai. This will help me improve my writing and push me to keep climbing bloom's taxonomy to deeply know topics. If I can keep improving I may invest in it by getting the services of an editor and taking some writing courses. I may try to write for some other sites as well. Before I get too far ahead of myself though, lets see if I can get a post or two up. I suppose this means I will have to change the structure of this site slightly by adding a navigation bar. I may take the time to streamline some small annoyances I have had in daily logging so far as well.