Ending a sprint and trying to finish up work meant less time spent on my own pursuits. But I did have some friends over and we are all going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University program. It isn't the most optimal way to tackle debt or leverage money, but it teaches some great skills. I went through the program three years ago, but I did not follow it strictly. I chose to debt avalanche to pay off loans earning high interest while student loans have been paused. I got rid of one car, but was not successful in convincing the family to downgrade the other car to a beater. We got a house before we paid off all our debt (only student loan debt remains though, which has been on hold). The program helped me a lot still, and because I am still working to pay of the last of the student loans (about ~25k), I am going to work through the program again. This time with some friends who will hold each other accountable.