Daily Log

Jan 10, 2022

Busy day! Ended up doing 90 minutes of workouts today. I am wiped. And super dehydrated! Downing a protein shake now after finishing an hour long kickboxing workout. I think I am going to sleep well tonight. I was able to finish Crucial Conversations today while driving to and picking up Peach 🍑 from doggy daycare.

Had one of those fun JS dependency hell days doing a Jest 26 to 27 upgrade. They have switched to a new timing API:

and it was causing an issue in one of Sirona's tests. The real issue is that the component is not easily testable, but it is a form of prudent tech debt. Prudent tech debt[1] is debt that you may not want to address because the code works. It has been running in production for a long time, it has had months or years of bug fixes for edge cases that customers have reported. Replacing this tech debt is risky, because the new code, while it may be more testable and maintainable, has not seen the same rigor applied to it. Therefore it is prudent to keep some debt around until that debt is preventing you from extending features in your system for your users or it finally is costing too much. In this case, it cost a single developer half a day banging against it to make it work with the updated library. A rewrite would have taken at least a week. At least this time, it was prudent debt to keep.